To Hard to set up, or select folder or just a single mp3, to tag & save. On-line help file, could be for any tag app on Gplay. No, detailed info, specifications. You should just Know how it works. If they put 1/2 as much effort into how to use it as the logo, it would be worth $ an 5 *
This app save text tags correctly but artwork is saved in format which is not compatible with Chrome OS music player and YouTube Music.
No longer able to edit mp3s individually after android 11 update as option to load MP3 not working. Still able to edit directories though.
This app doesn't allow me to use cover arts from my Gallery 🚮
wow great and funny App 😘
Will do it's best to find album art for what information about the track is available. Not the best I have seen but not the worst either.
Can't find any album art .
Has never failed me. Great app for edit song info and finding album cover.
Didn't find and files, popup stated was built for older version, promptly uninstalled, also didn't show SD card. Update: tried that, didn't work, nor did it show any files on the phone. When you get it fixed Shoot me a email and I'll try it again, until then I'll pass. Update: Got it to work with the help of the developer, so far it's doing a pretty decent job. Still had a popup that stated it might not work as it was designed for a older os. I have been able to tag mp3's that others haven't
Needs Dark Theme. That brigjt white is a eye killer. Please. Great mp3 tag editor. Bought the Pro to support Lars work and development. Put my money where my mouth is Lars. Keep up the great work. App rocks man. Much smaller then Stars. 5 stars not enough.. AWESOME.. Get it.. I love it..😎